Sep 9, 1984
(40 years ago)
The Spectrum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Sep 9, 1984
(40 years ago)
The Spectrum
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
90125 tour
Art Rock, Classic Rock, Garage Rock, Hard Rock, Jazz Fusion, Pop Rock, Progressive, Progressive Pop, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Soft Rock, Symphonic Prog, Symphonic Rock, British, and Album Oriented Rock (AOR).
Comments & Reviews:
My 1st time seeing my favorite band and my 1st time at an indoor concert. Saw them from the back side of the stage, I clearly remember Jon at one point saying that we all have to be quiet for the next song as it was being recorded, but when he started the first line of Soon, the audience went crazy and he gave them this look like, 'what did I tell you" and then he crushed us with his voice going right over top of the audience. I'll never forget that. At the time I was fairly impressed with Trevor covering Steves parts at least till I saw Steve at future shows. For me at the time Starship Trooper was the highlight as Chris very loud Taurus pedals were awesome.