Dec 7, 1974
(50 years ago)
university of iowa fieldhouse
Iowa City, Iowa, United States
Dec 7, 1974
(50 years ago)
university of iowa fieldhouse
Iowa City, Iowa, United States
Art Rock, Classic Rock, Garage Rock, Hard Rock, Jazz Fusion, Pop Rock, Progressive, Progressive Pop, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Soft Rock, Symphonic Prog, Symphonic Rock, British, and Album Oriented Rock (AOR).
Comments & Reviews:
We got married the morning of 12/7/1974 and went to the YES concert that evening. Your archives incorrectly list the show as November 7, 1974. Also, I was at the Greatful Dead concert 2/24/1973. New Riders of the Purple Sage did not play that evening ( they may have been backstage).