Jun 29, 1979
(45 years ago)
The Myriad
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
Jun 29, 1979
(45 years ago)
The Myriad
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
Art Rock, Classic Rock, Garage Rock, Hard Rock, Jazz Fusion, Pop Rock, Progressive, Progressive Pop, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Soft Rock, Symphonic Prog, Symphonic Rock, British, and Album Oriented Rock (AOR).
Comments & Reviews:
Saw YES play on a Round Stage in the middle of the Arena. Floor Seats. The Stage actually turned as they Played. Someone threw Rick Wakeman a Cowboy Hat and he played with on for a couple of Songs. An Amazing Concert.Jon Anderson's vocals were spot on. Probably snuck in some wine i& smokes.