VNV Nation / Straftanz
Mar 3, 2012
(13 years ago)
The Firebird
St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Mar 3, 2012
(13 years ago)
The Firebird
St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Ebm | 2 bands |
Ebm: |
Futurepop | 2 bands |
Futurepop: |
Industrial | 2 bands |
Industrial: |
Darkwave | 2 bands |
Darkwave: |
Aggrotech | 1 band |
Aggrotech: |
Dark Electro | 1 band |
Dark Electro: |
Dark Wave | 1 band |
Dark Wave: |
Electro-Industrial | 1 band |
Electro-Industrial: |
Electronic | 1 band |
Electronic: |
Industrial Metal | 1 band |
Industrial Metal: |
Pop: |
Synth-Pop: |
Trance: |
British: |
Synthpop: |
German: |
Russian Gangster Rap: |
German Ebm: |
Comments & Reviews: