Vista Kicks / The Gloomies / Decorations
Jul 29, 2016
(8 years ago)
The Funhouse
Seattle, Washington, United States
Jul 29, 2016
(8 years ago)
The Funhouse
Seattle, Washington, United States
United States | 3 bands |
United States: |
Indie Rock | 2 bands |
Indie Rock: |
Indie | 1 band |
Indie: |
Indie Pop | 1 band |
Indie Pop: |
Indie Surf | 1 band |
Indie Surf: |
Lo-Fi | 1 band |
Lo-Fi: |
Surf | 1 band |
Surf: |
Alternative | 1 band |
Alternative: |
Modern Rock | 1 band |
Modern Rock: |
Indie Garage Rock | 1 band |
Indie Garage Rock: |
La Indie: |
California: |
San Diego: |
Color Noise: |
Comments & Reviews: