Van Halen

May 11, 1984 (41 years ago)

Cow Palace     Daly City, California, United States


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Friday, May 11, 1984
Cow Palace
Daly City, California, United States

Jerry Clark, Lloyd Morris

Band Genres

Classic Rock, Glam Metal, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Metal, Rock, Album Oriented Rock (AOR), and Estados Unidos.


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Van Halen on May 11, 1984 [838-small]

  Uploaded by Russdudeman

Van Halen on May 11, 1984 [835-small]

  Uploaded by Russdudeman

 Bryan Rupp
 Denise Tracy
 Matt Lebowski
 Scott Beckius

Russdudeman Sep 15, 2024

May 11, 1984 at the Cow Palace in San Fransisco. Van Halen with opening band The Velcros. This was a huge show for me- a real big deal. VH were THE band that year during my junior year at Davis High School. Just a perfect show. I can remember being on the barricade right in front of the band for most of the show- right in front of my heroes. The Cow Palace is truly one of the great concert venues. Nothin' fancy, just a great smokey, sweaty room where with the right band on the right night it doesn't get better. Lots of music history in that building. To this day I have still never seen as big a party in the parking lot of any show- there were bottles everywhere. It was a sight to behold. People partied before the concerts in those days like it was an Olympic event

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