The Stranglers / Headline / The Tea Set
Jul 18, 1980
(44 years ago)
The Glasgow Apollo
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Jul 18, 1980
(44 years ago)
The Glasgow Apollo
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Post-Punk | 2 bands |
Post-Punk: |
Rock | 2 bands |
Rock: |
Alternative Rock | 1 band |
Alternative Rock: |
Art Rock | 1 band |
Art Rock: |
Baroque Pop | 1 band |
Baroque Pop: |
Glam Rock | 1 band |
Glam Rock: |
Indie | 1 band |
Indie: |
Indie Rock | 1 band |
Indie Rock: |
Metal | 1 band |
Metal: |
New Romantic | 1 band |
New Romantic: |
New Wave: |
Pop Rock: |
Power Metal: |
Progressive Metal: |
Proto-Punk: |
Pub Rock: |
Punk: |
Punk Rock: |
Ska: |
Zolo: |
Comments & Reviews: