The Motown Event
Feb 13, 2010
(15 years ago)
Mission Estate Winery Concert
Napier City, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Feb 13, 2010
(15 years ago)
Mission Estate Winery Concert
Napier City, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Soul | 7 bands |
Soul: |
Disco | 6 bands |
Disco: |
Motown | 6 bands |
Motown: |
Funk | 5 bands |
Funk: |
Pop Soul | 5 bands |
Pop Soul: |
R&B | 5 bands |
R&B: |
Classic Soul | 5 bands |
Classic Soul: |
Pop | 4 bands |
Pop: |
Quiet Storm | 4 bands |
Quiet Storm: |
Rock | 4 bands |
Rock: |
Brill Building Pop: |
Rhythm And Blues: |
Singer-Songwriter: |
Southern Soul: |
Oldies: |
Girl Group: |
Rhythm & Blues: |
Blues Rock: |
Country Rock: |
Psychedelic Soul: |
Comments & Reviews: