The Millenium / Work
Jun 8, 2016
(9 years ago)
The Red Room @ Cafe 939
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Jun 8, 2016
(9 years ago)
The Red Room @ Cafe 939
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
This was a Beach Weather show but Nick was sick so they postponed in the middle of the show.
Experimental | 1 band |
Experimental: |
Psychedelic Pop | 1 band |
Psychedelic Pop: |
Rock | 1 band |
Rock: |
Underground Hip-Hop | 1 band |
Underground Hip-Hop: |
Sunshine Pop | 1 band |
Sunshine Pop: |
Eau Claire Indie | 1 band |
Eau Claire Indie: |
Workout Product | 1 band |
Workout Product: |
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