The Mavericks / The Tractors
Jul 23, 1995
(29 years ago)
Montgomery County Fairgrounds
Montgomery City, Missouri, United States
Jul 23, 1995
(29 years ago)
Montgomery County Fairgrounds
Montgomery City, Missouri, United States
Americana | 2 bands |
Americana: |
Country | 2 bands |
Country: |
Country Rock | 2 bands |
Country Rock: |
Rock | 2 bands |
Rock: |
Rockabilly | 2 bands |
Rockabilly: |
Alt-Country | 2 bands |
Alt-Country: |
Neo-Traditional Country | 1 band |
Neo-Traditional Country: |
Tex-Mex | 1 band |
Tex-Mex: |
Western Swing | 1 band |
Western Swing: |
Oklahoma | 1 band |
Oklahoma: |
Classic Country Pop: |
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