The Fest
Oct 27, 2012
(12 years ago)
The Atlantic
Gainesville, Florida, United States
Oct 27, 2012
(12 years ago)
The Atlantic
Gainesville, Florida, United States
Punk | 8 bands |
Punk: |
Rock | 6 bands |
Rock: |
Pop Punk | 5 bands |
Pop Punk: |
Indie Rock | 4 bands |
Indie Rock: |
Punk Rock | 4 bands |
Punk Rock: |
Emo | 3 bands |
Emo: |
Indie | 3 bands |
Indie: |
Alternative Rock | 2 bands |
Alternative Rock: |
Folk Punk | 2 bands |
Folk Punk: |
Orgcore | 2 bands |
Orgcore: |
Alternative Emo: |
Indie Punk: |
Bluegrass: |
Classic Rock: |
Country: |
Doo-Wop: |
Folk Rock: |
Garage Rock: |
Grunge: |
Indie Pop: |
Comments & Reviews: