The Electric Grandmother / Jack on Fire(DC)
Aug 18, 2019
(5 years ago)
Black Cat
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Aug 18, 2019
(5 years ago)
Black Cat
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Electroclash | 1 band |
Electroclash: |
Indie | 1 band |
Indie: |
Lo-Fi | 1 band |
Lo-Fi: |
Neo Soul | 1 band |
Neo Soul: |
Pop | 1 band |
Pop: |
Punk | 1 band |
Punk: |
Riot Grrrl | 1 band |
Riot Grrrl: |
Post-Screamo | 1 band |
Post-Screamo: |
Alternative R&B | 1 band |
Alternative R&B: |
Modern Indie Folk | 1 band |
Modern Indie Folk: |
Necrotrap: |
Comments & Reviews: