The Deniros / Cherimoya / Satis Astra / Dirty / Francis Wolfe
Apr 30, 2023
(2 years ago)
The Amersham Arms
London, England, United Kingdom
Apr 30, 2023
(2 years ago)
The Amersham Arms
London, England, United Kingdom
> There was originally two more acts before Francis Wolfe but they both pulled out
Indie | 2 bands |
Indie: |
Art Rock | 1 band |
Art Rock: |
Classical | 1 band |
Classical: |
Crunk | 1 band |
Crunk: |
Garage Rock | 1 band |
Garage Rock: |
Hip Hop | 1 band |
Hip Hop: |
House | 1 band |
House: |
Impressionism | 1 band |
Impressionism: |
Indie Rock | 1 band |
Indie Rock: |
Power Pop | 1 band |
Power Pop: |
Rock: |
Southern Hip Hop: |
Alternative: |
Rap: |
Dirty South Rap: |
Sad Lo-Fi: |
Reggae Rock: |
Reggae Fusion: |
Alabama Rap: |
Post-Romantic Era: |
Comments & Reviews: