The Bob Seger System

May 28, 1969 (56 years ago)

Upper St. Clair High School     Upper St. Clair Township, Pennsylvania, United States


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Wednesday, May 28, 1969
Upper St. Clair High School
Upper St. Clair Township, Pennsylvania, United States

Privately hired by the school district for the Senior Banquet "After-Banquet Dance."

Band Genres

Classic Rock, Country Rock, Folk Rock, Garage Rock, Hard Rock, Pop Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Singer-Songwriter, Soft Rock, Album Oriented Rock (AOR), Mellow Gold, and Detroit Rock.


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His last name spelling seems to have always been a problem. :), The Bob Seger System on May 28, 1969 [202-small]

His last name spelling seems to have always been a problem. :)

  Uploaded by Rockriverine


Rockriverine Apr 11, 2023

Note on location name. I lived in USC and it was never spelled out as Upper Saint Clair. Also, Pennsylvania tends to be insistent on its municipality identification, so "Township" needs to be included.

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