Edgar Winter

Special Event

Nov 14, 2009 (15 years ago)

Lancaster Performing Arts Center     Lancaster, California, United States


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Lancaster Performing Arts Center
Lancaster, California, United States

Edgar opened up the show with a comment about his music being in such an arena. It was not a rock and roll hall by any means. Plush seating and wine in the gathering room. I like to think I helped to inspire The Lancaster Center to invite him there. I drove a fuel truck in the area and would blast his song off the White Trash Album, Save The Planet at full volume for all in traffic to hear. https://youtu.be/KEdydibnfNE it is a truly amazing and diverse piece. Although he did not perform that song at the show.

Band Genres

Blue-Eyed Soul, Blues, Blues Rock, Boogie Rock, British Blues, Classic Rock, Country Rock, Electric Blues, Hard Rock, Jazz Fusion, Pop, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Soft Rock, Southern Rock, and Album Oriented Rock (AOR).


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