The Loved Ones / Strike Anywhere / Sarah Shook and The Disarmers / Fire In The Radio / Mercy Union / Ocean Avenue Stompers

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May 5, 2024 (10 months ago)

Venice Island Performing Arts Center     Manayunk, Pennsylvania, United States


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Sunday, May 05, 2024
Venice Island Performing Arts Center
Manayunk, Pennsylvania, United States

Band Genres

Punk 5 bands


Skate Punk 4 bands

Skate Punk:

Punk Rock 3 bands

Punk Rock:

Orgcore 3 bands


Alternative Rock 2 bands

Alternative Rock:

Americana 2 bands


Melodic Hardcore 2 bands

Melodic Hardcore:

Alternative Country 1 band

Alternative Country:

Eurodance 1 band


Folk Punk 1 band

Folk Punk:

Indie 1 band


Indie Rock 1 band

Indie Rock:

Metalcore 1 band


Pop Punk 1 band

Pop Punk:

Rock 1 band


Roots Rock 1 band

Roots Rock:

Ska 1 band


Ska Punk 1 band

Ska Punk:

Surf Rock 1 band

Surf Rock:

Hardcore 1 band


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The Loved Ones setlist:
  1. Breathe In
  2. The Inquirer
  3. 100K
  4. Chicken
  5. Pretty Good Year
  6. The Bridge
  7. Hurry Up and Wait
  8. Massive
  9. Arsenic
  10. Candy Cane
  11. Brittle Heart
  12. Living Will (Get You Dead)
  13. Sickening
  14. Benson and Hedges
  15. Suture Self
  16. Louisiana
  17. Jane
  18. Player Hater Anthem
Strike Anywhere setlist:
  1. Sunset on 32nd Street
  2. Notes on Pulling the Sky Down
  3. I'm Your Opposite Number
  4. Extinguish
  5. Refusal
  6. We Amplify
  7. Blaze
  8. Instinct
  9. Dress the Wounds
  10. To the World
  11. Detonation
  12. Infrared
  13. My Design
Mercy Union setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 07/06/2024), which may be similar:
  1. "Prussian Blue"
  2. "Young Dionysians"
  3. "The Void"
  4. Evergreen
  5. Reverse
  6. 1998
  7. "Chips and Vics"
  8. Basements
Setlist not available for:
Sarah Shook and The Disarmers, Fire In The Radio, Ocean Avenue Stompers


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