Saxon / Lautrec
Wheels Of Steel
Jun 5, 1980
(45 years ago)
Assembly Rooms
Derby, England, United Kingdom
Wheels Of Steel
Jun 5, 1980
(45 years ago)
Assembly Rooms
Derby, England, United Kingdom
NWOBHM | 2 bands |
Emo | 1 band |
Emo: |
Glam Metal | 1 band |
Glam Metal: |
Hard Rock | 1 band |
Hard Rock: |
Heavy Metal | 1 band |
Heavy Metal: |
Metal | 1 band |
Metal: |
Post-Hardcore | 1 band |
Post-Hardcore: |
Power Metal | 1 band |
Power Metal: |
Rock | 1 band |
Rock: |
Screamo | 1 band |
Screamo: |
Speed Metal: |
British: |
Album Oriented Rock (AOR): |
UK: |
Skramz: |
J-Metal: |
Hardwave: |
Traprun: |
Japanese Heavy Metal: |
Rap Inde: |
Comments & Reviews: