Ratt / Dirty Penny

Aug 31, 2008 (16 years ago)

Snatch Rock N' Roll Lounge     Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Snatch Rock N' Roll Lounge
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Band Genres

Glam Metal 2 bands

Glam Metal:

Glam Rock 2 bands

Glam Rock:

Hard Rock 2 bands

Hard Rock:

Glam 1 band


Heavy Metal 1 band

Heavy Metal:

Metal 1 band


Rock 1 band


Album Oriented Rock (AOR) 1 band

Album Oriented Rock (AOR):

Indian Classical 1 band

Indian Classical:

Sleaze Rock 1 band

Sleaze Rock:

Hair Metal 1 band

Hair Metal:

Hard Glam 1 band

Hard Glam:

Sleaze 1 band


New Wave Of Glam Metal 1 band

New Wave Of Glam Metal:

Bhajan 1 band


Estados Unidos 1 band

Estados Unidos:

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Ratt setlist:
  1. Tell the World
  2. Sweet Cheater
  3. U Got It
  4. Walking the Dog
  5. You Think You're Tough
  6. The Morning After
  7. Back for More
  8. Wanted Man
  9. I'm Insane
  10. Lack of Communication
  11. Lay It Down
  12. You're in Love
  13. Lovin' You's a Dirty Job
  14. Dangerous but Worth the Risk
  15. Slip of the Lip
  16. Nobody Rides for Free
  17. Way Cool Jr.
  18. Body Talk
  19. Givin' Yourself Away
  20. Round and Round
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Dirty Penny


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