Prong / Slughog
Apr 2, 1994
(31 years ago)
The Middle East - Downstairs
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Apr 2, 1994
(31 years ago)
The Middle East - Downstairs
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Alternative Metal | 1 band |
Alternative Metal: |
Experimental | 1 band |
Experimental: |
Experimental Rock | 1 band |
Experimental Rock: |
Groove Metal | 1 band |
Groove Metal: |
Hard Rock | 1 band |
Hard Rock: |
Heavy Metal | 1 band |
Heavy Metal: |
Industrial Metal | 1 band |
Industrial Metal: |
Industrial Rock | 1 band |
Industrial Rock: |
Math Rock | 1 band |
Math Rock: |
Metal | 1 band |
Metal: |
Noise: |
Noise Rock: |
Nu Metal: |
Post-Hardcore: |
Rap Rock: |
Southern Metal: |
Thrash Metal: |
Alternative: |
Crossover: |
Noise Punk: |
Comments & Reviews: