Jan 26, 2014
(11 years ago)
The Colonial Hotel
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Jan 26, 2014
(11 years ago)
The Colonial Hotel
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Australian | 6 bands |
Australian: |
Deathcore | 4 bands |
Deathcore: |
Metalcore | 4 bands |
Metalcore: |
Hardcore | 4 bands |
Hardcore: |
Djent | 3 bands |
Djent: |
Death Metal | 2 bands |
Death Metal: |
Grindcore | 2 bands |
Grindcore: |
Melodic Hardcore | 2 bands |
Melodic Hardcore: |
Metal | 2 bands |
Metal: |
Australian Post-Hardcore | 2 bands |
Australian Post-Hardcore: |
Avant-Garde Metal: |
Baroque Pop: |
Black Metal: |
Experimental: |
Hard Rock: |
Hardcore Punk: |
Melodic Black Metal: |
Melodic Death Metal: |
Melodic Metalcore: |
Post-Hardcore: |
Comments & Reviews: