Dec 31, 1999
(25 years ago)
Big Cypress Indian Reservation
Big Cypress, FL
Dec 31, 1999
(25 years ago)
Big Cypress Indian Reservation
Big Cypress, FL
Alternative Rock, Blues Rock, Funk, Funk Rock, Jam Band, Jazz Fusion, Jazz Rock, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Alternative, and Jam.
Comments & Reviews:
And I’m all “Eight. Hour. Chalkdust🤯”:));))
Joking. My all-time best “live event”. Nothing will ever come close. Easily made me forget about the worst traffic jam known to mankind
This one was a nightmare. Went with my wife at the time who was a fan, and I was DEFINITELY not a fan. The band played an 8 hour long set on New Years 2000. Eight hours of torture. Ugh.