Phantogram / Josiah Wolf
Oct 6, 2010
(14 years ago)
The Loft, Gilley's Dallas
Dallas, Texas, United States
Oct 6, 2010
(14 years ago)
The Loft, Gilley's Dallas
Dallas, Texas, United States
Ambient Pop | 1 band |
Ambient Pop: |
Chillwave | 1 band |
Chillwave: |
Electronic | 1 band |
Electronic: |
Electropop | 1 band |
Electropop: |
Experimental | 1 band |
Experimental: |
Folk | 1 band |
Folk: |
Glitch Pop | 1 band |
Glitch Pop: |
Indie | 1 band |
Indie: |
Indie Pop | 1 band |
Indie Pop: |
Indietronica | 1 band |
Indietronica: |
Pop Rap: |
Singer-Songwriter: |
Trip Hop: |
Deep Indie Pop: |
Modern Rock: |
Stomp And Holler: |
Neo-Synthpop: |
Modern Folk Rock: |
Metropopolis: |
Shimmer Pop: |
Comments & Reviews: