Mystic Prophecy / Victorious / Emerald Sun
May 30, 2018
(7 years ago)
Siegburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
May 30, 2018
(7 years ago)
Siegburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
with Daniel and Olec
Metal | 2 bands |
Metal: |
Power Metal | 2 bands |
Power Metal: |
Speed Metal | 2 bands |
Speed Metal: |
Neo-Trad Metal | 2 bands |
Neo-Trad Metal: |
Melodic Metal | 2 bands |
Melodic Metal: |
Christian Hip Hop | 1 band |
Christian Hip Hop: |
Dance-Pop | 1 band |
Dance-Pop: |
Heavy Metal | 1 band |
Heavy Metal: |
Pop | 1 band |
Pop: |
Symphonic Metal | 1 band |
Symphonic Metal: |
Thrash Metal: |
German: |
Viral Pop: |
Greek: |
Greek Metal: |
Female Vocalist: |
Post-Teen Pop: |
Social Media Pop: |
Neo Classical Metal: |
Symphonic Power Metal: |
Comments & Reviews: