MotleyCrue with Whitesnake

Oct 6, 1987 (37 years ago)

The Forum     Inglewood, California, United States


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Tuesday, October 06, 1987
The Forum
Inglewood, California, United States

Band Genres

Acoustic Rock, Alternative Metal, Blues, Blues Rock, British Blues, Classic Rock, Glam, Glam Metal, Glam Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Metal, Pop Rap, Rock, British, Album Oriented Rock (AOR), and Sleaze Rock.


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Jaxmaximus Oct 07, 2021

The Crue were the headliners, they had paid their dues, came up through the ranks, and it was their tour. But Whitesnake was about to explode! They had a hit album “Whitesnake”, which would go 8X Platinum in the next year. Their first single “Here I Go Again”, just went to No.#1 that month! They made a presentation that night and presented the band with their Gold Records during their set.
But The Crue weren’t going to let the openers steal anymore of their thunder. During Whitesnake’s last song, they TURNED ON THE HOUSE LIGHTS while the band was still playing. Why? So they wouldn’t get an encore, that’s why. They finished the last song with all the lights in The Forum on. How weak is that? I felt so bad for them. There was a large curtain that sorrounded the stage for the set change between bands. The second Whitesnake ended their last song (with the house lights on), the curtain closed. That was unbelievable. The sold out crowd was shocked. All is fair in love and war eh?

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