Monolord / Pist
May 24, 2017
(8 years ago)
The Star and Garter
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
May 24, 2017
(8 years ago)
The Star and Garter
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Stoner Rock | 2 bands |
Stoner Rock: |
Contemporary Country | 1 band |
Contemporary Country: |
Country | 1 band |
Country: |
Doom Metal | 1 band |
Doom Metal: |
Drone Metal | 1 band |
Drone Metal: |
Metal | 1 band |
Metal: |
Sludge Metal | 1 band |
Sludge Metal: |
Space Rock | 1 band |
Space Rock: |
Stoner Metal | 1 band |
Stoner Metal: |
Thrash Metal | 1 band |
Thrash Metal: |
Hardcore: |
Swedish Doom Metal: |
Sludge: |
UK: |
Country Road: |
Modern Country Rock: |
Country Dawn: |
Post-Doom Metal: |
Psychedelic Doom: |
Instrumental Stoner Rock: |
Comments & Reviews: