Mogwai / Hood
Nov 30, 1997
(27 years ago)
the arches
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Nov 30, 1997
(27 years ago)
the arches
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Electronic | 2 bands |
Electronic: |
Indie | 2 bands |
Indie: |
Indie Rock | 2 bands |
Indie Rock: |
Post-Rock | 2 bands |
Post-Rock: |
Ambient | 1 band |
Ambient: |
Dream Pop | 1 band |
Dream Pop: |
Electronica | 1 band |
Electronica: |
Experimental | 1 band |
Experimental: |
Experimental Rock | 1 band |
Experimental Rock: |
Indietronica | 1 band |
Indietronica: |
Instrumental: |
Lo-Fi: |
Pop Rap: |
Shoegaze: |
Slowcore: |
Alternative: |
British: |
Soundtrack: |
UK: |
Compositional Ambient: |
Comments & Reviews: