Bonnie Raitt / Marc Cohn
Matrix Festival 2012
May 22, 2012
(13 years ago)
Midland Center for the Arts
Midland, MI
Matrix Festival 2012
May 22, 2012
(13 years ago)
Midland Center for the Arts
Midland, MI
Folk | 2 bands |
Folk: |
Pop Rock | 2 bands |
Pop Rock: |
Rock | 2 bands |
Rock: |
Singer-Songwriter | 2 bands |
Singer-Songwriter: |
Soft Rock | 2 bands |
Soft Rock: |
Lilith | 2 bands |
Lilith: |
Mellow Gold | 2 bands |
Mellow Gold: |
Adult Contemporary | 2 bands |
Adult Contemporary: |
Blue-Eyed Soul | 1 band |
Blue-Eyed Soul: |
Blues | 1 band |
Blues: |
Blues Rock: |
Classic Rock: |
Country: |
Country Rock: |
Electric Blues: |
Folk Rock: |
Pop: |
Roots Rock: |
Female Vocalists: |
United States: |
Comments & Reviews: