Lita Ford / Gary Hoey

Nov 10, 2023 (1 year ago)

Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom     Hampton, New Hampshire, United States


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Friday, November 10, 2023
Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom
Hampton, New Hampshire, United States

Band Genres

Hard Rock 2 bands

Hard Rock:

Rock 2 bands


Blues Rock 1 band

Blues Rock:

Glam 1 band


Glam Metal 1 band

Glam Metal:

Glam Rock 1 band

Glam Rock:

Instrumental 1 band


Metal 1 band


Punk Rock 1 band

Punk Rock:

Album Oriented Rock (AOR) 1 band

Album Oriented Rock (AOR):

Female Vocalists 1 band

Female Vocalists:

Guitar 1 band


Guitar Virtuoso 1 band

Guitar Virtuoso:

Neo Classical Metal 1 band

Neo Classical Metal:

Sleaze Rock 1 band

Sleaze Rock:

Hair Metal 1 band

Hair Metal:

Shred 1 band


Hel 1 band


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 Kevin Masse
 Jason Worthley
 Matt Boudreau

Jason Worthley Dec 07, 2023

[show #144] First time I finally get to see Lita Ford! She still has her voice. The only down was they overextended an instrumental/collaboration with Gary Hoey on the song Back to the Cave. It was just too long and people started sitting down or they left early. Bobby Rock had a killer drum solo, so the two going back to back was just too long for people who wanted to dance around and sing to their favorite songs. Patrick Kennison, the guitarist (formerly of The Union Underground) sang the Ozzy portion of Close My Eyes Forever and he did great. He's a good singer. If the whole show had the same energy that came out of Kiss Me Deadly, it would have been a wild ride. Still glad to see them. I never heard of Gary Hoey but he's an amazing guitarist. His son too, who joined them for a song or two.

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