Jungle Rot

Apr 5, 2018 (7 years ago)

Cafe Dekcuf     Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Thursday, April 05, 2018
Cafe Dekcuf
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Band Genres

Brutal Death Metal, Death Metal, Deathgrind, Grindcore, Metal, Old School Death Metal, Speed Metal, United States, and Wisconsin Metal.


Jungle Rot setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 04/04/2018), which may be similar:
  1. "Worst Case Scenario"
  2. Doomsday
  3. "Voice Your Disgust"
  4. "Terror Regime"
  5. "Ruthless Omnipotence"
  6. "E. F. K."
  7. "Strangulation Mutilation"
  8. "Paralyzed Prey"
  9. "Their Finest Hour"
  10. "Strong Shall Survive"
  11. "The Unstoppable"
  12. "Psychotic Cremation"
  13. "Circle of Death/Jungle Rot"
  14. "Face Down"


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