Jimmy Cliff / Taj Mahal
Oct 23, 1975
(49 years ago)
The New Century Theatre
Buffalo, New York, United States
Oct 23, 1975
(49 years ago)
The New Century Theatre
Buffalo, New York, United States
8:30 PM $2.50 & $3.00 students, $3.50 & $4.00 all others
Soul | 2 bands |
Soul: |
Acoustic Blues | 1 band |
Acoustic Blues: |
Blues | 1 band |
Blues: |
Blues Rock | 1 band |
Blues Rock: |
Classic Blues | 1 band |
Classic Blues: |
Classic Rock | 1 band |
Classic Rock: |
Contemporary Folk | 1 band |
Contemporary Folk: |
Country Blues | 1 band |
Country Blues: |
Country Rock | 1 band |
Country Rock: |
Electric Blues | 1 band |
Electric Blues: |
Folk: |
Folk Rock: |
Funk: |
Jamaican Ska: |
Jazz Blues: |
Modern Blues: |
Reggae: |
Rock: |
Rocksteady: |
Roots Reggae: |
Comments & Reviews: