Infest 2001
Aug 24, 2001
(23 years ago)
Student Central, University of Bradford
Bradford, England, United Kingdom
Aug 24, 2001
(23 years ago)
Student Central, University of Bradford
Bradford, England, United Kingdom
Ebm | 8 bands |
Ebm: |
Industrial | 8 bands |
Industrial: |
Electronic | 7 bands |
Electronic: |
Dark Electro | 4 bands |
Dark Electro: |
Electro-Industrial | 4 bands |
Electro-Industrial: |
Synthpop | 4 bands |
Synthpop: |
Aggrotech | 3 bands |
Aggrotech: |
Dark Wave | 3 bands |
Dark Wave: |
Futurepop | 3 bands |
Futurepop: |
Industrial Rock | 3 bands |
Industrial Rock: |
Darkwave: |
Djent: |
Industrial Metal: |
Noise: |
Power Noise: |
Ambient: |
Classical: |
Conscious Hip Hop: |
Deathcore: |
Electro: |
Comments & Reviews: