Human Agency / Tnertle
Dec 19, 2014
(10 years ago)
The 1up - Colfax
Denver, Colorado, United States
Dec 19, 2014
(10 years ago)
The 1up - Colfax
Denver, Colorado, United States
Deathcore | 1 band |
Deathcore: |
Djent | 1 band |
Djent: |
Electropop | 1 band |
Electropop: |
Hip Hop | 1 band |
Hip Hop: |
Instrumental | 1 band |
Instrumental: |
Melodic Metalcore | 1 band |
Melodic Metalcore: |
War Metal | 1 band |
War Metal: |
Abstract | 1 band |
Abstract: |
Progressive Metalcore | 1 band |
Progressive Metalcore: |
Jamtronica | 1 band |
Jamtronica: |
Comments & Reviews: