Holy Moly & The Crackers / Emme Woods
Apr 19, 2019
(6 years ago)
The Tunnels
Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
Apr 19, 2019
(6 years ago)
The Tunnels
Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
Indie | 2 bands |
Indie: |
Folk | 1 band |
Folk: |
Folktronica | 1 band |
Folktronica: |
Roots Rock | 1 band |
Roots Rock: |
British | 1 band |
British: |
Female Vocalists | 1 band |
Female Vocalists: |
Acoustic | 1 band |
Acoustic: |
Newcastle Indie | 1 band |
Newcastle Indie: |
Glasgow Indie | 1 band |
Glasgow Indie: |
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