FM4 Geburtstagsfest 2018

Jan 20, 2018 (7 years ago)

Ottakringer Brauerei     Vienna, Vienna, Austria


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Saturday, January 20, 2018
Ottakringer Brauerei
Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Band Genres

Indie 8 bands


Pop 5 bands


German Indie 5 bands

German Indie:

Electronic 4 bands


Indie Pop 4 bands

Indie Pop:

Indie Rock 4 bands

Indie Rock:

German Pop 4 bands

German Pop:

Alternative 3 bands


German 3 bands


Alternative Rock 2 bands

Alternative Rock:

Hip Hop 2 bands

Hip Hop:

Rock 2 bands


German Punk Rock 2 bands

German Punk Rock:

German Rock 2 bands

German Rock:

Austrian 2 bands


Antideutsche 2 bands


German Punk 2 bands

German Punk:

Art Pop 1 band

Art Pop:

Electronica 1 band


Emo Rap 1 band

Emo Rap:

Show more genres


Dan Croll setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 10/29/2017), which may be similar:
  1. "Compliment Your Soul"
  2. "Away From Today"
  3. "One of Us"
  4. "Can You Hear Me"
  5. January
  6. Eminem
  7. 24
  8. "Be Alone"
  9. "Bad Boy"
  10. "Wanna Know"
  11. Swim
  12. Educate
  13. "From Nowhere"
  14. Tokyo
  15. Home
Superorganism setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 01/19/2018), which may be similar:
  1. Intro
  2. "It's All Good"
  3. "Nobody Cares"
  4. "Night Time"
  5. "Reflections on the Screen"
  6. "The Prawn Song"
  8. "Nai's March"
  9. "Everybody Wants to Be Famous"
  10. "Something for Your M.I.N.D."
Beatsteaks setlist:
  1. I Do
  2. Let Me In
  3. Automatic
  4. Fever
  5. You in Your Memories
  6. 40 Degrees
  7. Jane Became Insane
  8. Summer
  9. She Was Great
  10. Attack and Decay
  11. Cut Off the Top
  12. Hello Joe
  13. Frieda und die Bomben
  14. I Don't Care as Long as You Sing
Kakkmaddafakka setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 01/17/2018), which may be similar:
  1. Touching
  2. Young
  3. "Is She"
  4. Believe
  5. "Forever Alone"
Intergalactic Lovers setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 02/14/2018), which may be similar:
  1. Fears
  2. "Give It Up"
  3. "Talk! Talk!"
  4. Shewolf
  5. "No Regrets"
  6. "My I"
  7. "For the Young Ones"
  8. Islands
  9. "Great Evader"
  10. "Let Go"
  11. Delay
  12. Distance
  13. "Between the Lines"
  14. River
  15. "Northern Rd."
  16. Bruises
  17. Howl
Kettcar setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 01/21/2018), which may be similar:
  1. "Trostbrücke Süd"
  2. "Balkon gegenüber"
  3. Graceland
  4. "Money Left to Burn"
  5. "Sommer '89 (Er schnitt Löcher in den Zaun)"
  6. Wagenburg
  7. Rettung
  8. "48 Stunden"
  9. Balu
  10. "Benzin und Kartoffelchips"
  11. "Tränengas im High-End-Leben"
  12. "Kein Außen mehr"
  13. Mannschaftsaufstellung
  14. "Im Taxi weinen"
  15. Ankunftshalle
  16. Deiche
  17. "Auf den billigen Plätzen"
  18. "Der Tag wird kommen"
  19. "Ich danke der Academy"
  20. "Landungsbrücken raus"
  21. "Den Revolver entsichern"
Leyya setlist:
  1. Sauna
  2. Drumsolo
  3. Zoo
  4. Zoo (Reprise)
  5. Never Never
  6. In Your Head
  7. I Want You
  8. Superego
  9. Heat
  10. Butter
Mine setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 12/09/2017), which may be similar:
  2. "WHO'S NEXT"
  3. TxHxC
  5. "Blah Blah Blah"
  7. Amy
  8. "Same Sky"
  9. "MAKE ME DEAD!"
  10. "Boring People
  11. Fucking Grays"
  12. CROWS
  13. "KiLLiNG ME"
  14. A
  15. "JACK. B"
  16. f.a.i.t.h
Fatoni setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 03/09/2018), which may be similar:
  1. "Im Modus"
  2. Authentizität
  3. "Mike Skinner"
  4. "Lassen sie mich Künstler
  5. ich bin durch"
  6. "Das ist alles Kunst"
  7. "Kann nicht reden ich esse"
  8. Gravitationswellen
  9. Schlafentzug
Yukno setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 10/12/2018), which may be similar:
  1. Tomorrowland
  2. Sonne
  3. "König ohne Land"
  4. Distanz
  5. "Zu meinen Göttern"
  6. Land
  7. Allein
  8. Hund
  9. Vergehen
  10. Blut
  11. Mehr
  12. "Wir bleiben beide hier"
Crispies setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 08/16/2018), which may be similar:
  1. Mercy
  2. "Chelsea Child"
  3. Candy
  4. "Fake Leather"
  5. Noose'N'Go
  6. H-Bomb
  7. "White Trash"
  8. "I'm Bored"
  9. Easy
  10. 100
  11. "Bad Blood"
Setlist not available for:
Jordan Klassen


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 Teresa Glatzel

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