Fireworks / Turnover / Sorority Noise / Trespassers


May 31, 2015 (10 years ago)

Gorham Brothers Music     Syracuse, New York, United States


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Sunday, May 31, 2015
Gorham Brothers Music
Syracuse, New York, United States

With Ali.

Band Genres

Emo 3 bands


Indie Rock 3 bands

Indie Rock:

Pop Punk 3 bands

Pop Punk:

Alternative Emo 3 bands

Alternative Emo:

Indie 2 bands


Midwest Emo 2 bands

Midwest Emo:

Punk 2 bands


Anthem Emo 2 bands

Anthem Emo:

Dreamo 2 bands


Alternative Rock 1 band

Alternative Rock:

Dream Pop 1 band

Dream Pop:

Easycore 1 band


Emo Pop 1 band

Emo Pop:

Folk Punk 1 band

Folk Punk:

Garage Rock 1 band

Garage Rock:

Indie Pop 1 band

Indie Pop:

Melodic Hardcore 1 band

Melodic Hardcore:

Pop 1 band


Psychedelic 1 band


Shoegaze 1 band


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Sorority Noise setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 05/23/2015), which may be similar:
  1. "Rory Shield"
  2. "Mediocre at Best"
  3. "Art School Wannabe"
  4. "Blonde Hair
  5. Black Lungs"
  6. "Dirty Ickes"
  7. "Your Soft Blood"
Turnover setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 06/02/2015), which may be similar:
  1. "New Scream"
  2. Humming
  3. Diazepam
  4. "Hello Euphoria"
  5. Intrapersonal
  6. "Dizzy on the Comedown"
  7. "Take My Head"
  8. "I Would Hate You If I Could"
  9. "Cutting My Fingers Off"
Fireworks setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 05/30/2015), which may be similar:
  1. Arrows
  2. "When We Stand on Each Other We Block Out the Sun"
  3. "Geography
  4. Vonnegut and Me"
  5. "Run
  6. Brother
  7. Run"
  8. "Bed Sores"
  9. "X's on Trees"
  10. Woods
  11. "The Wild Bunch"
  12. "Oh
  13. Common Life"
  14. "One More Creature Dizzy With Love"
  15. "I Locked My Time Capsule"
  16. "I Grew Up in a Legion Hall"
  17. Teeth
  18. "Glowing Crosses"
  19. Detroit
  20. "2923 Monroe St."
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 Alison Balok
 Quinn Mc Coy
 Cara Kretschmer

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