FEST 16 - Day 2

Oct 28, 2017 (7 years ago)

Various     Gainesville, Florida, United States


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Saturday, October 28, 2017
Gainesville, Florida, United States

Band Genres

Punk 5 bands


Orgcore 4 bands


Folk Punk 3 bands

Folk Punk:

Pop Punk 3 bands

Pop Punk:

Punk Rock 3 bands

Punk Rock:

Emo 2 bands


Rock 2 bands


Skate Punk 2 bands

Skate Punk:

Philly Indie 2 bands

Philly Indie:

Indie Punk 2 bands

Indie Punk:

Modern Power Pop 2 bands

Modern Power Pop:

United States 2 bands

United States:

Acoustic Rock 1 band

Acoustic Rock:

Alternative Country 1 band

Alternative Country:

Alternative Punk 1 band

Alternative Punk:

Ambient 1 band


Bluegrass 1 band


Country Rock 1 band

Country Rock:

Cowpunk 1 band


Electronic 1 band


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Beach Slang setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 10/26/2017), which may be similar:
  1. "Noisy Heaven"
  2. "Punks in a Disco Bar"
  3. "Hard Luck Kid"
  4. "Ride the Wild Haze"
  5. "American Girls and French Kisses"
  6. "Dirty Cigarettes"
  7. "Punk or Lust"
  8. "Bad Art & Weirdo Ideas"
  9. "Atom Bomb"
Rainer Maria setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 10/26/2017), which may be similar:
  1. "Broke Open Love"
  2. "Suicides and Lazy Eyes"
  3. "Lower Worlds"
  4. Planetary
  5. "Broken Radio"
  6. "Forest Mattress"
  7. "Artificial Light"
  8. Tinfoil
Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 09/21/2017), which may be similar:
  1. "Sweet Disorder!"
  2. "Black & White Boys"
  3. "The City Walls"
  4. "Underneath the Sheets of White Noise"
  5. "Nail My Feet Down to the Southside of Town"
  6. "Breaking It Down!"
  7. "I Can Change!"
  8. "Crooked Letters"
  9. "Had to Laugh"
  10. "The Weeds Downtown"
  11. Whitewash
  12. "Good Old Boy"
  13. "The Red
  14. Red Dirt of Home"
  15. "Dirt Track"
Against Me! setlist:
  1. Haunting, Haunted, Haunts
  2. 333
  3. True Trans Soul Rebel
  4. Black Me Out
  5. I Was a Teenage Anarchist
  6. Thrash Unreal
  7. Miami
  8. From Her Lips to God's Ears (The Energizer)
  9. T.S.R. (This Shit Rules)
  10. Sink, Florida, Sink
  11. The Disco Before the Breakdown
  12. Pints of Guinness Make You Strong
  13. The Politics of Starving
  14. We Laugh at Danger (And Break All the Rules)
  15. I Still Love You Julie
  16. Scream It Until You're Coughing Up Blood
  17. Jordan's First Choice
  18. Those Anarcho Punks Are Mysterious...
  19. Reinventing Axl Rose
  20. Baby, I'm an Anarchist!
  21. Walking Is Still Honest
  22. 8 Full Hours of Sleep
Off With Their Heads setlist:
  1. Die Today
  2. Seek Advice Elsewhere
  3. I Am You
  4. Clear the Air
Setlist not available for:
Blood on the Harp, Joe McMahon, James Alex (of Beach Slang)


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