Edwin McCain / John Taglieri
Dec 7, 2005
(19 years ago)
The Loft
Columbus, Georgia, United States
Dec 7, 2005
(19 years ago)
The Loft
Columbus, Georgia, United States
Pop | 2 bands |
Pop: |
Pop Rock | 2 bands |
Pop Rock: |
Rock | 2 bands |
Rock: |
Arena Rock | 1 band |
Arena Rock: |
Emo | 1 band |
Emo: |
Indie Rock | 1 band |
Indie Rock: |
Singer-Songwriter | 1 band |
Singer-Songwriter: |
Alternative | 1 band |
Alternative: |
Album Oriented Rock (AOR) | 1 band |
Album Oriented Rock (AOR): |
Acoustic | 1 band |
Acoustic: |
Neo Mellow: |
Guitar: |
Ectofolk: |
Women's Music: |
Comments & Reviews: