ECMW Rising Star Stage
Apr 10, 2015
(10 years ago)
The Ship
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Apr 10, 2015
(10 years ago)
The Ship
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Singer-Songwriter | 3 bands |
Singer-Songwriter: |
Country | 2 bands |
Country: |
Folk | 2 bands |
Folk: |
Country Rock | 1 band |
Country Rock: |
Dance | 1 band |
Dance: |
Honky Tonk | 1 band |
Honky Tonk: |
Indie Pop | 1 band |
Indie Pop: |
Nashville Sound | 1 band |
Nashville Sound: |
Outlaw Country | 1 band |
Outlaw Country: |
Pop | 1 band |
Pop: |
Pop Punk: |
Pop Rock: |
Reggae: |
Traditional Country: |
Alternative: |
Female Vocalists: |
Deep New Americana: |
Canadian: |
Guitar: |
Canada: |
Comments & Reviews: