David Bowie

Aug 1 - 3, 1983 (41 years ago)

Rosemont Horizon     Rosemont, Illinois, United States


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Monday, August 01, 1983 – Wednesday, August 03, 1983
Rosemont Horizon
Rosemont, Illinois, United States

Chicago Tribune entertainment section

Band Genres

Alternative Rock, Art Pop, Art Rock, Blue-Eyed Soul, Classic Rock, Experimental Rock, Glam Rock, Pop, Pop Rock, Psychedelic Pop, Rock, Singer-Songwriter, Soul, Alternative, British, Post-Disco, UK, and Permanent Wave.


David Bowie setlist:
  1. The Jean Genie
  2. Star
  3. "Heroes"
  4. What in the World
  5. Golden Years
  6. Fashion
  7. Let's Dance
  8. Breaking Glass
  9. Life on Mars?
  10. Sorrow
  11. Cat People (Putting Out Fire)
  12. China Girl
  13. Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)
  14. Rebel Rebel
  15. White Light/White Heat
  16. Station to Station
  17. Cracked Actor
  18. Ashes to Ashes
  19. Space Oddity
  20. Young Americans
  21. Fame
  22. TVC15
  23. Stay
  24. The Jean Genie
  25. Modern Love


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David Bowie on Aug 1, 1983 [229-small]

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 Michael Curtis
 Steven Breidinger
 Dianne Sonnenberg
 Andy J

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