Cydonia / The Spines
Mar 2, 1995
(30 years ago)
The Canterbury Arms
London, England, United Kingdom
Mar 2, 1995
(30 years ago)
The Canterbury Arms
London, England, United Kingdom
Alternative Rock | 1 band |
Alternative Rock: |
Chamber Pop | 1 band |
Chamber Pop: |
Goa Trance | 1 band |
Goa Trance: |
Gothic Metal | 1 band |
Gothic Metal: |
Indie Folk | 1 band |
Indie Folk: |
Indie Pop | 1 band |
Indie Pop: |
Indie Rock | 1 band |
Indie Rock: |
Metal | 1 band |
Metal: |
Power Metal | 1 band |
Power Metal: |
Psychedelic | 1 band |
Psychedelic: |
Psytrance: |
Symphonic Metal: |
Modern Rock: |
Stomp And Holler: |
Portland Indie: |
Seattle Indie: |
Canadian Indie: |
Goa: |
Albuquerque Indie: |
Gothic Symphonic Metal: |
Comments & Reviews: