CMJ Onlinetv broadcast
Oct 20, 2000
(24 years ago)
Under Acme
New York, New York, United States
CMJ Onlinetv broadcast
Oct 20, 2000
(24 years ago)
Under Acme
New York, New York, United States
This was a very special concert at Under Acme during CMJ Music Marathon in New York City. The night was electric with some of the top stars of the day. Cracker’s David Lowery with long time compatriot Johnny Hickman played incredible sets with quick cameos as Brandy Wood came on stage to fill in on some songs chorus’. David called L.P (Laura Pergolizzi of LP Rock and Lionfish) to the stage showcasing her amazing voice; the crowd was electrified.
Alternative Country, Alternative Rock, Country Rock, Desert Rock, Grunge, Indie Rock, Pop Rock, Post-Grunge, Rock, Roots Rock, Alternative, Alt-Country, Permanent Wave, United States, and Covertronica.
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