Courtney Barnett

Summer Series at Somerset House

Jul 13, 2016 (8 years ago)

Somerset House     London, England, United Kingdom


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Somerset House
London, England, United Kingdom

Courtmey's started her set at 9pm and ended at 10:20pm without any breaks. They played all Courtney's hits. A pint of beer in a plastic mug set you back a fiver. The band was made up of a drummer, gutarest and Courtney. The venue was good, but there was a lack of spotlighting focused from the front onto the band making them appear to be dwelling in the shadows, but to be fair, the venue was small enough to see them in spite of that. All in all it made for an entertaining evening.

Band Genres

Alternative Rock, Art Pop, Chamber Pop, Folk, Indie, Indie Pop, Indie Rock, Noise Pop, Singer-Songwriter, Slacker Rock, Australian, Melbourne Indie, Seattle Indie, and Australian Indie.


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