The cavemen / The Parkinsons / mARCIANO
Capitão VI
Apr 22, 2017
(8 years ago)
Texas Bar
Leiria, Leiria, Portugal
Capitão VI
Apr 22, 2017
(8 years ago)
Texas Bar
Leiria, Leiria, Portugal
Garage Rock | 2 bands |
Garage Rock: |
Chillout | 1 band |
Chillout: |
Electroclash | 1 band |
Electroclash: |
Electronic | 1 band |
Electronic: |
House | 1 band |
House: |
Neo-Rockabilly | 1 band |
Neo-Rockabilly: |
Proto-Punk | 1 band |
Proto-Punk: |
Psychobilly | 1 band |
Psychobilly: |
Punk | 1 band |
Punk: |
Punk Rock | 1 band |
Punk Rock: |
Rockabilly: |
Techno: |
Rock En Espanol: |
Dutch: |
South African Rock: |
Portuguese: |
African Rock: |
Nigerian Pop: |
60s Garage: |
South African Pop: |
Comments & Reviews: