Capital's Jingle Bell Ball 2017
Dec 10, 2017
(7 years ago)
The O2
London, England, United Kingdom
Dec 10, 2017
(7 years ago)
The O2
London, England, United Kingdom
Pop | 11 bands |
Pop: |
Dance-Pop | 9 bands |
Dance-Pop: |
UK Pop | 9 bands |
UK Pop: |
British | 8 bands |
British: |
Dance | 6 bands |
Dance: |
Tropical House | 6 bands |
Tropical House: |
Pop Dance | 6 bands |
Pop Dance: |
Female Vocalists | 5 bands |
Female Vocalists: |
EDM | 4 bands |
EDM: |
Singer-Songwriter | 4 bands |
Singer-Songwriter: |
R&B: |
Post-Teen Pop: |
Electronic: |
Electropop: |
House: |
Soul: |
Acoustic: |
UK Dance: |
Contemporary R&B: |
Electro House: |
Comments & Reviews: