Malcolm Middleton

BrewDog AGM

Apr 6, 2019 (6 years ago)

AECC GE Oil & Gas Arena     Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Saturday, April 06, 2019
AECC GE Oil & Gas Arena
Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom

Band Genres

Folk, Indie, Indie Rock, Singer-Songwriter, Scottish Indie, Scottish, Scottish Rock, Solo Wave, and Scottish Hush.


Malcolm Middleton setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 11/28/2018), which may be similar:
  1. "Burst Noel"
  2. "Yours Sincerely
  3. Bored in Anstruther"
  4. "Twilight Zone"
  5. "Man Up
  6. Man Down"
  7. "Week Off"
  8. Devastation
  9. "Cold Winter"
  10. "What a Life"
  11. "Blue Plastic Bags"
  12. "A Brighter Beat"
  13. "Gut Feeling"
  14. "Crappo the Clown"
  15. "Buzz Lightyear Helmet"
  16. "Like John Lennon Said"
  17. "Love Is a Momentary Lapse in Self Loathing"
  18. "Stay Close Sit Tight"
  19. "Salamander Gray"
  20. "The King of Bring"


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