Boz Scaggs / Jeff LeBlanc
Aug 1, 2017
(7 years ago)
Luther Burbank Center for the Arts
Santa Rosa, California, United States
Aug 1, 2017
(7 years ago)
Luther Burbank Center for the Arts
Santa Rosa, California, United States
Rock | 2 bands |
Rock: |
Art Rock | 1 band |
Art Rock: |
Blue-Eyed Soul | 1 band |
Blue-Eyed Soul: |
Blues | 1 band |
Blues: |
Classic Rock | 1 band |
Classic Rock: |
Country Rock | 1 band |
Country Rock: |
Folk | 1 band |
Folk: |
Folk Rock | 1 band |
Folk Rock: |
Pop | 1 band |
Pop: |
Pop Rock | 1 band |
Pop Rock: |
Singer-Songwriter: |
Smooth Soul: |
Soft Rock: |
Yacht Rock: |
Album Oriented Rock (AOR): |
Acoustic: |
Indiecoustica: |
Mellow Gold: |
Acoustic Pop: |
Adult Standards: |
Comments & Reviews: