Avatar / Oracle
May 14, 2017
(8 years ago)
The Fubar
St. Louis, Missouri, United States
May 14, 2017
(8 years ago)
The Fubar
St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Alternative Metal | 1 band |
Alternative Metal: |
Avant-Garde Metal | 1 band |
Avant-Garde Metal: |
Contemporary Jazz | 1 band |
Contemporary Jazz: |
Death Metal | 1 band |
Death Metal: |
Groove Metal | 1 band |
Groove Metal: |
Heavy Metal | 1 band |
Heavy Metal: |
Industrial Metal | 1 band |
Industrial Metal: |
Melodic Death Metal | 1 band |
Melodic Death Metal: |
Metal | 1 band |
Metal: |
Nu Metal | 1 band |
Nu Metal: |
Power Metal: |
Thrash Metal: |
Swedish: |
Sweden: |
Alabama Metal: |
Eclectic: |
Indie Jazz: |
Gothenburg Metal: |
Swedish Melodeath: |
Indonesian: |
Comments & Reviews: