Aura / Pantan
Jan 16, 2019
(6 years ago)
The Middle East - ZuZu!
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Jan 16, 2019
(6 years ago)
The Middle East - ZuZu!
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Electropop | 1 band |
Electropop: |
Pop | 1 band |
Pop: |
Tango | 1 band |
Tango: |
Trance | 1 band |
Trance: |
Female Vocalists | 1 band |
Female Vocalists: |
Indie Poptimism | 1 band |
Indie Poptimism: |
Danish | 1 band |
Danish: |
Indiecoustica | 1 band |
Indiecoustica: |
Anthem Worship | 1 band |
Anthem Worship: |
Christian Indie | 1 band |
Christian Indie: |
Alt Z: |
Christian Pop: |
Female Vocal: |
Italy: |
Deep Pop Edm: |
Comments & Reviews: