Acid Mothers Guru Guru
Sep 10, 2007
(17 years ago)
Bottom of the Hill
San Francisco, California, United States
Sep 10, 2007
(17 years ago)
Bottom of the Hill
San Francisco, California, United States
My first time at The Bottom of The Hill, I fell in love with this place. AMT Guru Guru is a trio featuring Mani Neumeier from German rock band Guru Guru, and Kawabata Makato from AMT. About as close as you’re gonna get to seeing Guru Guru, they performed all Guru Guru material, they were hot. I met and spoke to Mani in the garden. I don’t remember who opened up and supported.
Experimental, Krautrock, Noise Rock, Psychedelic, Psychedelic Rock, Space Rock, Japanese, and Japanese Psychedelic.
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