
A Concert for Pablo Neruda

Apr 9, 1980 (45 years ago)

Colorado University Memorial Ballroom     Boulder, Colorado, United States


Band Line-up

Concert Details

Wednesday, April 09, 1980
Colorado University Memorial Ballroom
Boulder, Colorado, United States

Band Genres

Folk, Latin, Latin Rock, Nueva Trova, Trova, Chile, World, Cantautor, Musica Andina, Nueva Cancion, Latin Folk, and Nuno.


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Inti-Illimani on Apr 9, 1980 [075-small]

  Uploaded by Seattlesunset


Seattlesunset Jul 11, 2022

I attended as the guest of a friend of a friend who had a Chilean wife who also attended. I did not speak Spanish and had no idea what they were singing nor did I know who Pablo Neruda was. At the end of one song, I clapped but my host quickly told me to not clap as the song was anti-American. That gave me the heebie-jeebies from that point onward.

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